Period | From block | To block | Reward | MN collateral |
3 days | 0 | 5000 | 0.1 DFS | 1000 DFS |
1 week | 5000 | 15000 | 9 DFS | 1000 DFS |
1 week | 15000 | 25000 | 8 DFS | 2000 DFS |
1 week | 25000 | 35000 | 7 DFS | 3000 DFS |
1 week | 35000 | 45000 | 6 DFS | 4000 DFS |
1 week | 45000 | 55000 | 5 DFS | 5000 DFS |
1 week | 55000 | 65000 | 4 DFS | 5000 DFS |
1 week | 65000 | 75000 | 3 DFS | 5000 DFS |
∞ | 75000 | ∞ | 2 DFS | 5000 DFS |
Conditions for opening can be specified when creating a file, for example:
An online service for work with Defense Box
All the features of Defense Box in one service. With a few clicks, you can:
40% of the resources attracted by the ICO are planned to be spent on product development.
10% of the funds attracted are for legal services.
33% of the funds attracted are for the cost of active marketing in the first three years of the platform.
10% of the funds attracted are for the reserve fund in fiat currency required to maintain liquidity within the system.